Members of Anatolian-L
You MUST be a member of the list to get your dog on the Gallery

Would you like to get your Anatolian's picture on the Anatolian-L Gallery page?

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Select and scan a photo of your dog that has good contrast and color definition. No show photos, please.
  2. Save the file as a .JPG graphic. No other type of file will be accepted; do not save as a .GIF .PCX or other format. (they're too HUGE!) Please keep the .JPG under 50K in size.
  3. E-mail me at sl-email.gif (2185 bytes) to let me know you will be sending an image, then send the .JPG file as a binary attachment.

Remember that the picture must be it's own file - one picture to a file - with a .JPG extension. In the e-mail message, identify the dog by owner's name and dog's call name only. The Anatolian-L owners reserve the right to crop or resize a picture to fit the site. The Anatolian-L owners have complete descretion as to whether or not a picture is used, or how long it remains on the archive page.


Not a problem! First, many places are now offering a scanning service. Try your local Kinko's, Staples, Business Depot, Office Place, or check the Yellow Pages under Copying Services. You might be able to get your photo scanned locally at a reasonable cost.

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Special Thanks to Catherine de la Cruz